Hup! Productions


10 Days to the Start of Production

Thank you!

Our community really showed up for us! From the very start, we knew this project would be ambitious: Travel, horses and swimming all present special challenges to first-time directors. I encouraged Cara to tell this story, because I fell in love with it. I wanted to learn more about these women, this place and the large emotional stakes in this short story.

Friends, family and friends of friends surprised and delighted us with good wishes and generosity. We appreciate that you contributed and shared to this project.

I'm glad our crowdfunding is over. I will also miss the surprises of seeing a share or contribution on my phone, from someone who believes in our project.


Two Amazing Nights

Cara is amazing! The last two nights have only strengthened my confidence in her artistry and leadership. I know, I'm biased. Last night, our friend, DP and Editor, Greg Emetaz hosted us in his home, cooked us a delicious dinner and met with us for several hours. The result was a shot list that melded our skills and reflected Cara's vision.

Tonight, the three of us met in Manhattan with our AD, Kat Croft. We bought supplies and organized our entire shooting schedule. We have developed a plan that respects everybody's talent and honors everybody's contribution, that also operates like a Swiss watch.

I am proud to be a part of this project. We appreciate your part in helping us make it happen.